When you loved me,
I reveled in your love.
When you loved me,
I abandoned my friends.
When you loved me,
I gave myself to you.
When you loved me,
I loved you right back.
When you hurt me,
I would look on in silence.
When you hurt me,
I would love you.
When you hurt me,
I would open my heart.
When you hurt me,
I would say sorry.
Now you hurt me,
I talk back.
Now you hurt me,
I do not care.
Now you hurt me,
I close my heart.
Now you hurt me,
I hurt you back.
Now you say you love me,
I toss my head in disbelief.
Now you say love me,
I snort loudly.
Now you say you love me,
I ask you "really?"
Now you say you love me,
But I don't know if I love you.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Evolution of Love
Posted by awura ama at 9:45 PM 5 comments
I met Jesus today. Honestly! I was in tears and sick at heart today, walking on a sprained foot to work, listening to Dream Big. I had all these thoughts running through my mind and so I decided to stop at the church on the way.
About a half mile away from the church, at the traffic light, I met a man on a bicycle. He stopped and said hi. I replied and started walking on. He asked me if I wanted his bike and I replied asking him what he would do if I took him up on his offer. He laughed and said, he would walk the rest of the way. And he was serious! he really wanted me to have the bike! I declined and made to walk on. He stopped me and asked me if everything was okay with me. That was when the tears started! I was horrified! here I was sobbing in front of a total stranger at a traffic light! He hugged me, calmed me down and asked me what was wrong. I told him the whole sordid tale, which I cannot reveal here. After the story ended, he prayed for me and I begun to feel better almost immediately. He gave me a tiny book filled with uplifting bible verses that spoke directly to my heart. And he preached! for twenty minutes, we stood at the traffic light and talked like old friends. When our conversation ended, he went west, I went north. I turned but I saw no trace of the man. I got to the church but it was closed. That was when I started realizing that I had met Jesus.
Answer this one question for me. what are the odds of meeting a random stranger in another country thousands of miles from home who knows exactly what to say at exactly the right time to lift your spirits? For me, this was no coincidence, but a miracle. He answered questions that have been plaguing my mind for months! Sometimes we ask for a sign, any sign. Jesus couldn't have given me any sign greater than Himself. I am blessed.
Posted by awura ama at 8:05 PM 4 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Ghanaian and Fashion Trends
Who remembers knapsacks?! When those tiny bags with the two long straps appeared on the scene, everybody (with emphasis on everybody), owned one! You just had to go for a GIS bazaar, or the Astek Refresh Talent Camp to see different colours of knapsacks! Looking back now, i wouldn't touch those bags with a ten foot pole!
Then came combat boots!!!!! Now those boots were an eyesore!!!!!!! Yet it seems everybody wanted them. I even wanted a pair but my mother quickly disabused my mind of that notion. Thank you mummy! You would see boys and girls wearing these great clomping, feet-distorting shoes with the laces undone and it was considered cool?!
Girls, do you remember the fad made you go crazy? That had you badgering mummy everyday until she got you a pair? Jelly Shoes! Now girls loved their jelly shoes! If you didn't have a pair, you weren't hip! I had grey ones with silver speckles and i wore them everywhere!
When those hideous neon-coloured shoes appeared on the scene, the makola women (no offense) wore the heck out of those! You would see a lady on the street wearing a nice kaba and slit only to ruin it with a pair of hot orange sandals! It got worse! Imagine a lime green outfit with the same coloured shoes! Talk about drawing attention to yourself! The men weren't making good decisions either. Lime green linen shirt with trousers and those ridiculous Aladdin shoes!! Aahba! Ghana fo) beku y3n!
More recently, we have seen the belts and boots. Now the belts I have no problem with, but the boots! Can someone explain to me why Ghanaian Girls insist on wearing boots in the hot Ghanaian weather?! Aren't their feet roasting in there?! I am sure that by the time those boots come off, their feet will be giving off a lovely nose-blocking scent!
Whenever there is a new fashion trend, you can be sure that Ghanaians will jump on the bandwagon and strut their stuff like nobody's business. But what we need to realize is trends come and go, some, good, some really bad and it is up to us to decipher the difference. we shouldn't wear just about anything simply because it's in vogue. Think about what looks good on you, not what every one is wearing. Looking good is far better than looking like an over-dressed nincompoop!
Posted by awura ama at 12:39 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Public Rape
Last week, i woke up to news of a public rape in Kumasi. Joy FM published on its website online a story about a certain "macho man" who raped a young woman in the full glare of some patrons of a bar! My first thought was "you must be kidding me!" Following closely on the heels of that thought was an impotent rage.The "macho man" allegedly grabbed the young lady who was in the process of boarding a bus to Accra, dragged her to the bar and raped her! This "macho man" claims the young lady is a prostitute and owed him sex for which he had already paid. He has been arraigned before court and is pleading not guilty to the crime. Now, my position is: rape is rape! it does not matter whether the person is a prostitute or not, as long as the sex was not consensual, it is rape. Yes, she is a sex worker but she has the right to refuse him sex. What bothers me is how possible it is that in this day and age, people can stand by and allow someone to rape another human being! Or are they so sadistic as to be aroused by the sight of rape?!
The "macho man", people claim, is a notorious bully who threatened to clobber anyone who tried to intervene. I personally think the bystanders basically couldn't care less about the young woman, simply because she's supposedly a sex worker and that is why they looked on whilst she was undergoing this ordeal. This is underscored by the fact that the owner of the bar has complained about the low patronage of his bar following the incident. We also do not hear Women's Right's groups speaking up. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
This incident has raised a lot of questions in my mind about human nature in general and the apathetic attitude of Ghanaians in particular. We as a people have become so apathetic about the very things that affect us. It all ties in to how we percieve ourselves, each other and the situations in which we find ourselves. If we do not care about the next person, how will we care about health care reforms and educational reforms or any kind of government policy for that matter. Think about it...
Posted by awura ama at 2:42 PM 2 comments
Labels: Ghana, rape, women's rights
Halcyon Days
I remember my first day on campus like it was yesterday! I was assigned to Africa Hall and had a room but I didn't have roommates. So I went scouting for roommates. I found three beautiful, fun-loving girls who didn't have a room. So we hooked up! That very day, we went to the then hottest restaurant in town, courtesy of some guy. The two years that followed was a roller coaster of fun, anger, sadness, and friendship.We were four stunning, smart girls who took Knust by storm! No party was a party without us, suffice it to say, we ruled the school. Every night, we had at the very least 30 guys passing through for visits. I wonder how many had just friendship on their minds! Weekends started from wednesdays for us. Karaoke, clubbing, drink-ups! You name it, we were there! All that exposure had some guys and gals hating, saying we were "sikadicious" girls, the "chrifes" were calling us "evil" cos we'd come back from the club, change, and go straight to church! But i think that was striking a perfect balance!
In our second semester, we moved to Brunei. Now Brunei was the place to be. Lots of hot guys and gals, so obviously, we wanted in. We were so superficial back then! Brunei, was the drama capital of the world! Drama, drama, drama!!!!!!!! Who was stealing whose boyfriend, who's wearing what, whose weave looks good/ugly, who's sleeping with whom? It was fun when the drama wasn't about you, but it was hell when you were involved! Girls thrive on drama and if there was an altercation between a girl from the Jblock and the Kblock, u were sure to hear all about it! From the cheating boyfriends to the sex videos to the pregnancies, to the suicide attempts! Yeah, drama! But one thing about J and K block girls was the fact if an outsider picked a fight with any one belonging to J and K, let's just say that person wouldn't leave unscarred! It was ok to fight among ourselves but not ok for an outsider to attack the group. Twisted sense of logic but girls will be girls.
Eventually, the groups disbanded due to exess drama, including me and my girls but there was still that loyalty amongst the Brunei girls! Just ask some two older girls who got on our bad side at a certain infamous Hall Week! I enjoyed that day cos I made some good money!! No complaints there! Looking back at those times, I've realized I wouldn't change any second of it for all the packs of Tetley Tea in the world! (that's my favourite btw) because I made friends for life. friends i can call sisters. And I'm glad to say we all learned from our experiences, both good and bad and came out of university better for it. We went in as girls and came out as women, older, wiser and beautiful as ever! To the Women of 2009 Year Group. We rule!!!!!!!
Roll Call (Hottest Girls list) (random listing)
Nana Yaa
Your's Truly
Nana Binfoh
Hope i haven't forgotten any one!
Posted by awura ama at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Reflection Of My Heart
my heart is a mirror...
yet it absorbs happiness, pain...
it's been cradled in loving hands,
it's been stomped upon by cruel feet.
it feels too much, and yet so little...
it laughs out loud but bleeds profusely.
sometimes silent as a still night...
then pounding furiously, painfully, against my chest...
my heart is a mirror...
clear like summer skies when i am happy...
roiling like dark stormy clouds when i am sad...
i see you, i hear you, i feel you, i taste you...
my heart drives all traces of sense away, leaving only love...
it floats on a bed of clouds, tranquil, fleeting...
then, you dash it to the ground, and walk away,
leaving it gasping, shredded, anguished, bleeding...
my heart is a mirror...
Posted by awura ama at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: poetry
I lie awake at night,
Needing you, wanting you, loving you.
Suppressed memories well up,
Opening festering wounds,
Mourning love lost.
Never knowing...
I love you.
Posted by awura ama at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: poetry
You thought to pull me down,
drag me through the mud,
rake burning coals over my bleeding heart.
You sought to strip me of my dignity,
lay my soul bare,
reduce me to a quivering mass of shame.
You schemed to rob me of my faith,
render me insensate,
leave me wrung out; a dirty dish cloth.
I came out spotless,
my bleeding heart cooling the coals,
turning them into cold, innocuous ashes.
I hold my head up high,
striding with confident steps,
my dignity, a shining robe.
I emerged with nary a wrinkle,
entirely sentient,
and my faith...
Posted by awura ama at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: poetry
just watched a show on E! THS on cults, mind control and religions. the programme explored various cults and mind control groups in the USA. it sent a chill running down my spine and made me realize how close the end is. trust me, i'm the first person to scoff at those who preach about the "end times". i just cannot believe the God i believe in could be so cruel as to unleash hell fire and damnation on His children, which is also not to say there won't be any recriminations from our actions. i believe in living my life to please God and know that nothing can separate me from the Love of God. on the other hand, i know i am a sinner and try and make amendments for my sins. i liken it a situation between a child and it's parent. when a child is naughty, parents scold and teach him right from wrong, sometimes with a little punishment to deter the child. God is our parent, teaching us right from wrong but above all, He is Love! and i know he loves me no matter what.
so it suprises me how people can get confused and allow themselves to be led astray from the love of Christ. and it also suprises me how people can twist the Word of God to support their twisted beliefs. Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda (hope i got the name right) is a man claiming to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and yet says he's better than Jesus because Jesus in his day came to save sinners but he Jose, believes that there are NO sinners and basically you can do whatever you want without fear because absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of God, thereby totally negating God's Purpose of sending Jesus to die for us. Ironically he also claims that the sign 666 embodifies him and all his followers wear clothes which 666 written on them and have the sign tattoed on. Jose lives in Miami and broadcasts his services on satelite tv, reaching millions of people. he has garnered thousands of followers already. hearing some of his followers speak generated goosebumps that are yet to subside. people are lost in this world and are seeking answers and what scares me is the fact that most of them will turn to people like Jose Miranda for those answers when all they have to do listen to that still small voice.
i am not a preacher, neither am i an overzealous christian. i am just a human being also seeking to find my purpose in life with a (sometimes) unshakeable faith in Christ that everything that happens in my life is His will. i am spiritual, not religious. i do not care about charismatics or pentecostals or catholicism or islam, budheism or any other kind of religion. it is what is between you and God which is important. religion is just a medium to reach God, not to live with him. God exists. He is everywhere, in your neighbour, in the little bird building its nest, in the person sitting beside on the bus... you do not have to go so far to find him. he's where he is supposed to be: right there in your heart. Listen to Him. He's waiting....
forever the eternal otimist....
Posted by awura ama at 2:08 PM 2 comments
Labels: 666, cults, religion, sprituality
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
i just graduated from university earlier this year. university life was a wonderful experience and i wouldn't change it for the world. now the challenge begins. i kept putting off thoughts of life but i realize now that i am at the stage where i need to take control of my own life. all my life, i have been taken care of. i have never had to worry about what food, shelter, all the basic necessities of life and i thank my loving parents for that. but now, it makes me wonder if being brought up this way has adversely affected me. i cannot seem to pick myself up and make something of my life. i cannot seem to decide what i want to do with my life because i think someone will come up and make those decisions for me. on the other hand, i know that is ludicrous thinking and i have to live my own life but it is difficult. may be i am not the only person facing this problem but it scares me that i may not be able take control of life. i find myself apathetic regarding absolutely everything! it's like i am standing at the edge of a precipice, looking longingly back at the beautiful green field behind me, but knowing i have to take that step, fall into the abyss and eventually land on my feet in that vague, murky piece of land i can see in the distance. what is ahead of me? will i succeed? am i sure i want to do this? those are a few of the questions running through my head every single minute of every day. it makes me want to curl up into a ball and never peek out at the world. but alas! that is impossible! so i'll keep these words in mind, :if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again".
forever the eternal optimist...
Posted by awura ama at 5:53 PM 1 comments
Labels: crossroads