Tuesday, August 4, 2009


just watched a show on E! THS on cults, mind control and religions. the programme explored various cults and mind control groups in the USA. it sent a chill running down my spine and made me realize how close the end is. trust me, i'm the first person to scoff at those who preach about the "end times". i just cannot believe the God i believe in could be so cruel as to unleash hell fire and damnation on His children, which is also not to say there won't be any recriminations from our actions. i believe in living my life to please God and know that nothing can separate me from the Love of God. on the other hand, i know i am a sinner and try and make amendments for my sins. i liken it a situation between a child and it's parent. when a child is naughty, parents scold and teach him right from wrong, sometimes with a little punishment to deter the child. God is our parent, teaching us right from wrong but above all, He is Love! and i know he loves me no matter what.

so it suprises me how people can get confused and allow themselves to be led astray from the love of Christ. and it also suprises me how people can twist the Word of God to support their twisted beliefs. Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda (hope i got the name right) is a man claiming to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and yet says he's better than Jesus because Jesus in his day came to save sinners but he Jose, believes that there are NO sinners and basically you can do whatever you want without fear because absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of God, thereby totally negating God's Purpose of sending Jesus to die for us. Ironically he also claims that the sign 666 embodifies him and all his followers wear clothes which 666 written on them and have the sign tattoed on. Jose lives in Miami and broadcasts his services on satelite tv, reaching millions of people. he has garnered thousands of followers already. hearing some of his followers speak generated goosebumps that are yet to subside. people are lost in this world and are seeking answers and what scares me is the fact that most of them will turn to people like Jose Miranda for those answers when all they have to do listen to that still small voice.

i am not a preacher, neither am i an overzealous christian. i am just a human being also seeking to find my purpose in life with a (sometimes) unshakeable faith in Christ that everything that happens in my life is His will. i am spiritual, not religious. i do not care about charismatics or pentecostals or catholicism or islam, budheism or any other kind of religion. it is what is between you and God which is important. religion is just a medium to reach God, not to live with him. God exists. He is everywhere, in your neighbour, in the little bird building its nest, in the person sitting beside on the bus... you do not have to go so far to find him. he's where he is supposed to be: right there in your heart. Listen to Him. He's waiting....

forever the eternal otimist....


Shameless said...

finally! yesss i saw either that documentary or one other on the jose luis guy...apparently he's all the rage in certain parts of South America lol...i watched the whole thing in disbelief..i mean u look at the guy and u wonder how people see him as a source of salvation...smh

akua afriyie said...

there are so many perspectives of christianity which we as individuals can choose to believe in....i think ppl follow that jose miranda guy cos they are lookin for an easy way is much easier to sin than to stay faithful to the word of God.a new "prophet" pops out of nowhere and says,"God doesn't care if we sin or not there is no such thing as sin,"and he has followers.....what kind of father will say,"my son,go,kill,lie,steal....and i will still love you!"